• We have the most complete catalog of online courses on the market

  • More than 300 online courses ready to use in your LMS platform.

    We have selected the topics that companies demand today to improve the skills and abilities of their collaborators


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  • Advantages

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    Instant Access

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    Flexible Access

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    Online Learning Hand in Hand

    of Experts on Each Topic

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    Flexible prices Per

    User Quantity

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    How does it work?


    1- Download the course syllabus


    2- Click on the subject of your preference to see the related courses


    3- Write down the topics of your interest with the following information:


    a) Number of users taking the course


    b) Course rental time (minimum 6 months)


    4- Send us to info@opex.do that information and voilà!


    We will contact you!